I find it interesting that the one year when we're allowed to light mortars and Roman candles, none of us decides to really take advantage of it. I thought for sure someone would beg me to stop off at Moapa Tribal Enterprises on my way up to Cedar and load up on the big guns, but I had no requests! Are we all getting old and stodgy, or did legalization eliminate all the thrill?
I still had a great 4th of July in Cedar/St. George. I drove up Friday night and stayed at Grandma's house, then Mom and Dad met me at the temple in the morning. Actually, I met them because I was the later to arrive. Who knew the temple would be so hard to find?!? I swear they moved it south and east since the last time I was down there! I went to Tabernacle and Main, fully expecting it to be somewhere near the center block, but it was nowhere to be found. After driving around for 10 minutes in a panic, I finally got back up on the Boulevard where I had a better vantage point over the trees. Fortunately, Mom and Dad had brought some family names that needed initiatory work done, so my tardiness didn't force us to wait another hour for an endowment session to begin. I hadn't done them since my own, and it was a very special experience. If you're interested in doing more, Mom and Dad have another set ready to go.
We had lunch at Paula's with Grandma and Aunt Lois, then we went home to Cedar so Mom and I could get to work on Aunt Barbara's quilt. Have you heard this story? Apparently Barbara started this quilt in 1955. It was an applique kit that she bought when she was first married. It took her 30 years to finish the applique, and another 20+ to get it quilted. Talk about your lifetime project! Unfortunately over the years it's become horribly stained. Mom tried everything, but those rust marks have probably had decades to set. But Barbara is determined to have an actual usable blanket out of this thing before she dies, so Mom's quilting it anyway. My mission was to help her get it on the quilting frames so it could be hand quilted in an elaborate pattern which is printed on the fabric (also indelibly, based on how many times Mom washed it to try to get the rust out). The backing fabric is actually a set of sheets, but it looks like Barbara cut out pieces from the flat sheet to do the applique, so it's not quite big enough now to make the back. Instead, she ripped out the seams on the fitted sheet and inserted squares to fill in the corners. We finally got the backing tacked down and the batting spread out, but when we were trying to stretch the top taut, we noticed some severe puckering from 3 seams in the fabric plus all the applique. So between the rust stains, blue quilting lines, pieced back, and permanent wrinkles, it's a rather unfortunate-looking piece. But I can certainly understand the sentimental attachment to something you've been hauling around for half your lifetime. In fact, having it out of her possession is causing Barbara a little separation anxiety! Once we finally started working on the actual sewing, I took a picture and emailed it to her just so she could be reassured that it is in process.
My project with Dad was to put the 40 tomato plants in the shed into the garden. Actually we all worked on that, and it wasn't too horrible. I remember absolutely hating gardening, but planting is much different than harvesting. For one thing, there aren't any bugs yet. It's only when the plants have grown into bushes that you get surprised with creepy crawlies out of nowhere. Plus there was the added incentive of the literal fruits of my labor. I remember the tomatoes from last year, and I'm eager for another bountiful harvest!
Sunday we went to church (and quilted), and then Monday we went to the parade. Grandma and Aunt Lois drove up, and Robert joined us. The parade was fun, but it would have been more fun with little kids. I don't know if it's just nostalgia, but it seems like the parades when we were kids were just better! More elaborate floats, more entries, more candy, etc. But it was still good fun, and the weather was perfect for it.
On the way to lunch, Mom saw a lady with a flat tire who she recognized as the mother of someone in her ward. Dad was on his way into town to meet us, so he and I helped her change her tire. Can you believe I'd never done it before or even seen it done? It was actually kind of fun! I got a trifle grimy, but service seemed like an appropriate way to celebrate the day. Then we all ate pizza, which also seemed like an appropriate way to celebrate the day.
So all in all, I had a rather old-fashioned holiday--sewing at a quilting bee, helping on the family farm, attending the town parade, and helping someone with an ox in the mire. Hope y'all can join us down on the homestead next time!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, October 2, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Although it really is a long drive from Phoenix to Cedar, I'm glad I'm still young and stupid enough to attempt it in a weekend. I went home October 18-20 and had a really wonderful time with Mom and Dad. For a chill weekend, it was suprisingly action-packed!
Well, ok, the drive itself was boring and long as usual. But I popped out of bed in the morning to go meet Dad at the Balloon Festival. He said they were taking off from Centennial Park between 8:00 and 9:00, so of course I rolled out of the driveway at about 8:58. I saw balloons straight west of the house, but Dad had said Centennial Park, so I went there first. I buzzed right by though, because all the balloons were where I'd originally seen them--north of the airport. Clearly Dad had the location wrong, but I went out there to try to find him. He never picked up on his cell, but I hung out there for a while. Then I realized they were deflating the balloons--that was where they'd landed after taking off from the park! No wonder they were so spread out.....Anyway, I headed straight back to the park to go find Dad. Of course, coming from the wrong direction, I ended up going the long way around because apparently I can't find my way around my own home town. When did they put that creek in? I found him immediately, and he ushered me behind the ropes for the VIP tour. He introduced me to some friends and showed me some of the planes, and then we sat and watched some of the stunt fliers. It was really fun!
My next stop was Evans Hairstyling for a much-needed haircut. I deliberately try to wait until I'm in Cedar for all my hair care needs--where else can you get a competent haircut for under $5? It's pretty short now--I like to cut it short for winter in Phoenix. I know that seems counter-intuitive, but in the summer you want it long so you can pull it back and off your neck. In the winter it's cool enough that you can stand to wear it down and in your face a little more.
So after I got my new 'do, Mom and I made taco salads with garden-fresh tomatoes. It's been so long since I've had them that I'd forgotten how amazing a really ripe, juicy tomato tastes. I was in heaven! Living in a condo, I don't exactly have much opportunity to grow my own produce, but I'm motivated now to do that topsy-turvy thing they advertise on TV for growing tomatoes upside down.
After that, Mom took me to go see the Complete Works of Shakespeare, Abridged at the University. Mom got us box seats (so swank!) but there were two other people already in the box when we got there who took up a lot of room, so we switched to the balcony. The play itself was fantastic, with a small cameo by Fred at the very beginning. There were a lot of hometown references, and I'm still enough of a native that I got most of them. The performers interacted with the audience quite a bit, so it was very different from your usual theater experience. But it was very funny, and it was definitely a treat to see it with Mom.
We had steak for dinner, and then I roped them into watching a Bollywood movie with me. Such is the folly of indulgent parents! It was actually a really cute film, but Dad and I were taking turns zonking on the leather loveseat downstairs. I was really beat by that time, and I crashed as soon as the movie was over. Fortunately, their church isn't until 1:00, so I got to sleep in Sunday morning.
I only went to Sacrament meeting because I couldn't wait until 4:00 to get on the road back to Phoenix. But I did decide to go through St. George and see Grandma and Aunt Lois for a little while. Mom loaded me up with baskets and bags for all three of us, and the apples she sent were really good! Who knew after all those years of ultra-annoying lawn mowing and neverending watering that the orchard would actually produce decent fruit? I spent a little over an hour catching up, then I had to skedaddle back home. Thanks to everyone for such a wonderful visit!
Well, ok, the drive itself was boring and long as usual. But I popped out of bed in the morning to go meet Dad at the Balloon Festival. He said they were taking off from Centennial Park between 8:00 and 9:00, so of course I rolled out of the driveway at about 8:58. I saw balloons straight west of the house, but Dad had said Centennial Park, so I went there first. I buzzed right by though, because all the balloons were where I'd originally seen them--north of the airport. Clearly Dad had the location wrong, but I went out there to try to find him. He never picked up on his cell, but I hung out there for a while. Then I realized they were deflating the balloons--that was where they'd landed after taking off from the park! No wonder they were so spread out.....Anyway, I headed straight back to the park to go find Dad. Of course, coming from the wrong direction, I ended up going the long way around because apparently I can't find my way around my own home town. When did they put that creek in? I found him immediately, and he ushered me behind the ropes for the VIP tour. He introduced me to some friends and showed me some of the planes, and then we sat and watched some of the stunt fliers. It was really fun!
My next stop was Evans Hairstyling for a much-needed haircut. I deliberately try to wait until I'm in Cedar for all my hair care needs--where else can you get a competent haircut for under $5? It's pretty short now--I like to cut it short for winter in Phoenix. I know that seems counter-intuitive, but in the summer you want it long so you can pull it back and off your neck. In the winter it's cool enough that you can stand to wear it down and in your face a little more.
So after I got my new 'do, Mom and I made taco salads with garden-fresh tomatoes. It's been so long since I've had them that I'd forgotten how amazing a really ripe, juicy tomato tastes. I was in heaven! Living in a condo, I don't exactly have much opportunity to grow my own produce, but I'm motivated now to do that topsy-turvy thing they advertise on TV for growing tomatoes upside down.
After that, Mom took me to go see the Complete Works of Shakespeare, Abridged at the University. Mom got us box seats (so swank!) but there were two other people already in the box when we got there who took up a lot of room, so we switched to the balcony. The play itself was fantastic, with a small cameo by Fred at the very beginning. There were a lot of hometown references, and I'm still enough of a native that I got most of them. The performers interacted with the audience quite a bit, so it was very different from your usual theater experience. But it was very funny, and it was definitely a treat to see it with Mom.
We had steak for dinner, and then I roped them into watching a Bollywood movie with me. Such is the folly of indulgent parents! It was actually a really cute film, but Dad and I were taking turns zonking on the leather loveseat downstairs. I was really beat by that time, and I crashed as soon as the movie was over. Fortunately, their church isn't until 1:00, so I got to sleep in Sunday morning.
I only went to Sacrament meeting because I couldn't wait until 4:00 to get on the road back to Phoenix. But I did decide to go through St. George and see Grandma and Aunt Lois for a little while. Mom loaded me up with baskets and bags for all three of us, and the apples she sent were really good! Who knew after all those years of ultra-annoying lawn mowing and neverending watering that the orchard would actually produce decent fruit? I spent a little over an hour catching up, then I had to skedaddle back home. Thanks to everyone for such a wonderful visit!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Fabulous Fourth
A special shoutout to Mom for getting up early to get us such good seats for the parade!
I was so amazed at how well the kids played together. I swear all I have from the whole weekend are pictures of the kids hugging each other!
Well, that or dispensing their own brand of "love". Honestly, I don't know how Chase managed to breathe underneath all that cousinly affection!
Thanks, Aunt Lois, for arranging paintball for us! I liked it the first time, but now I think I'm hooked. I'd love to
do it again next time we're in St. George. Unless next time is in the dead of summer, in which case I might take a pass until it cools off a little bit. I managed to send myself this photo when I was messing around on Duane's phone (I think he's holding the rest hostage), and I would like you all to know that the perfectly circular welt on my knee is STILL THERE! That kid NAILED me in the first round! But don't worry, when I tell the story of how I kakked two out of three brothers in the second-to-last round, I'm practically a living legend!

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Giving Thanks
I just wanted to thank everyone for a really fun Thanksgiving! I had such a great time at the parks, and especially talking to all of you and playing with my nieces and nephews. I had been craving them for the past month, and I just loved seeing them. In case you don't want to wait for Dad's cd to come in the mail, here are just a few of my favorite pix:
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
So this evening we are finally winding down from a great Halloween day and night. We got to take Sydney and Ashton to Darin's work, where they got to trick or treat throughout the office and we got to show off our adorable little kids! Sydney was a pink poodle (named Fifi), but was commonly mistaken for a sheep. I don't know what people are thinking sometimes! :) Ashton was a little bat, wings and all. He was a cute little bat. Sydney got enough candy there, I considered staying home from the Trunk or Treat. Darin had worked a 13 hour day yesterday, so we all went to lunch, and then he got to come home with us. Yay! We did attend the ward Trunk or Treat, with the kids in the forementioned costumes, and Darin as "Ash" from Army of Darkness, and I went as a vampire (to Ashton's bat). It was quite small compared to last year, but someone reminded me that our "sister" ward decided to have their Trunk or Treat last weekend. I really don't get it. Friday is the best possible day for Halloween, and they go and celebrate it a whole week early? Oh well. We had lots of fun at ours, and didn't run out of candy for once! While home, Sydney has loved answering the door for all the kids coming by, and she even comments on some of the costumes. This is for sure her best Halloween yet. We'll be sure to get some pictures of the kids posted ASAP. Soon our friends will be over to watch a scary movie and pig out on candy. Being a parent is fun sometimes! Hope you all had a great holiday.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The New Craft Obsession
How glad I am to be in a family ward with old ladies again! I'm not sure words can describe how I suffered in a ward full of non-crafty sisters, but I have finally found MY PEOPLE!!!! They are starting a quilting special interest group, and I thought I would be supportive and check it out. Of course, $80 in fabric later I'm realizing that it was inevitable that I get sucked in. I don't have a sewing machine yet, but I'm checking out several on Ebay and Craigslist and hope to have one in my possession by the end of the month. It's absolutely killing me to have brand new craft supplies (fabric) and not be able to actually work on my project, but I figure this is a character and patience-building experience.
The fabric I chose is all deep earthy jewel-toned batik and the pattern looks a little modern arty, so my finished product is NOT going to look homespun and country. If it turns out even close to what I'm imagining in my head, you guys are going to be falling all over yourselves placing orders. (Finally, a craft you guys would actually WANT to receive for Christmas!) I make no promises, but if I do get hooked like I think I will, I can envision myself with quilts coming out my ears. I'll be the next Aunt Katie!
The fabric I chose is all deep earthy jewel-toned batik and the pattern looks a little modern arty, so my finished product is NOT going to look homespun and country. If it turns out even close to what I'm imagining in my head, you guys are going to be falling all over yourselves placing orders. (Finally, a craft you guys would actually WANT to receive for Christmas!) I make no promises, but if I do get hooked like I think I will, I can envision myself with quilts coming out my ears. I'll be the next Aunt Katie!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Assume the Position
I was organizing my photo files and pulling pictures off of memory cards today, and I found some that made me laugh. I think these were after Uncle Richard's funeral. The group shot is Dad on the left and Lindsey laying on Uncle Randy. It looks like Syd Bundy isn't the only one in the family who knows how to relax!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Syd Bundy
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I was in Chicago for training last week. We stayed about 25 miles from the city and the training was also out of town as well. I flew out Monday, had training Tuesday through Thursday and was scheduled to come home on Friday. The original plan was to have training on Friday as well, but we put in a killer 12 hour day on Thursday and finished up training so we would have Friday to do something downtown.
We drove into Chicago and paid $16 to park and walked down the Navy Pier and walked back. We didn't even buy a hotdog. We did drive by the fountain that is in the opening credits of Married with Children. As soon as I saw it that music was stuck in my head.
Next we went to the Sears Tower. We paid $19 to park there and $16 to go up the elevator to the top. It was worth it though. That is an impressively tall building. When you are outside you look at it and think, "yeah, that is tall and is taller than the other buildings" but you really appreciate it when you go up and are looking down at the other buildings around. I was looking down at one building and there were some people on the roof. The people looked tiny, then I looked down to the ground and those people were teeny tiny! It really was quite a sight. I also saw the new Trump Tower that was being built. The winner from the first season of The Apprentice chose that project as his prize, so it was neat to see.
My next two training trips coming up are in Powell, Tennessee. I've never been there, and it could be cool, but I think I would rather go back to Chicago to see more since we didn't have much time at all to do fun things.
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