Sunday, May 18, 2008

Yard Work

We spent some time in the yard yesterday and this is the end result.

Rikki wanted to get a bird bath and it was going to be her Mother's Day present but we couldn't find one she liked. We'll keep looking but in the meantime I hope this keeps the weeds down in that corner. We also got an umbrella for the back patio. The base for it isn't very big or heavy and makes me nervous to have kids under it but so far it has stayed up. Too bad we didn't have it all done for Ashton's blessing so people could see it. The two bushes were transplanted from the long flower bed. I did one bush two years ago and Rikki's mom helped move the other one during her visit. We appreciate her help and wanted to let her know we actually did finish working on it and didn't just let weeds grow back again.

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