I just wanted to thank everyone for a really fun Thanksgiving! I had such a great time at the parks, and especially talking to all of you and playing with my nieces and nephews. I had been craving them for the past month, and I just loved seeing them. In case you don't want to wait for Dad's cd to come in the mail, here are just a few of my favorite pix:
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
So this evening we are finally winding down from a great Halloween day and night. We got to take Sydney and Ashton to Darin's work, where they got to trick or treat throughout the office and we got to show off our adorable little kids! Sydney was a pink poodle (named Fifi), but was commonly mistaken for a sheep. I don't know what people are thinking sometimes! :) Ashton was a little bat, wings and all. He was a cute little bat. Sydney got enough candy there, I considered staying home from the Trunk or Treat. Darin had worked a 13 hour day yesterday, so we all went to lunch, and then he got to come home with us. Yay! We did attend the ward Trunk or Treat, with the kids in the forementioned costumes, and Darin as "Ash" from Army of Darkness, and I went as a vampire (to Ashton's bat). It was quite small compared to last year, but someone reminded me that our "sister" ward decided to have their Trunk or Treat last weekend. I really don't get it. Friday is the best possible day for Halloween, and they go and celebrate it a whole week early? Oh well. We had lots of fun at ours, and didn't run out of candy for once! While home, Sydney has loved answering the door for all the kids coming by, and she even comments on some of the costumes. This is for sure her best Halloween yet. We'll be sure to get some pictures of the kids posted ASAP. Soon our friends will be over to watch a scary movie and pig out on candy. Being a parent is fun sometimes! Hope you all had a great holiday.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The New Craft Obsession
How glad I am to be in a family ward with old ladies again! I'm not sure words can describe how I suffered in a ward full of non-crafty sisters, but I have finally found MY PEOPLE!!!! They are starting a quilting special interest group, and I thought I would be supportive and check it out. Of course, $80 in fabric later I'm realizing that it was inevitable that I get sucked in. I don't have a sewing machine yet, but I'm checking out several on Ebay and Craigslist and hope to have one in my possession by the end of the month. It's absolutely killing me to have brand new craft supplies (fabric) and not be able to actually work on my project, but I figure this is a character and patience-building experience.
The fabric I chose is all deep earthy jewel-toned batik and the pattern looks a little modern arty, so my finished product is NOT going to look homespun and country. If it turns out even close to what I'm imagining in my head, you guys are going to be falling all over yourselves placing orders. (Finally, a craft you guys would actually WANT to receive for Christmas!) I make no promises, but if I do get hooked like I think I will, I can envision myself with quilts coming out my ears. I'll be the next Aunt Katie!
The fabric I chose is all deep earthy jewel-toned batik and the pattern looks a little modern arty, so my finished product is NOT going to look homespun and country. If it turns out even close to what I'm imagining in my head, you guys are going to be falling all over yourselves placing orders. (Finally, a craft you guys would actually WANT to receive for Christmas!) I make no promises, but if I do get hooked like I think I will, I can envision myself with quilts coming out my ears. I'll be the next Aunt Katie!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Assume the Position
I was organizing my photo files and pulling pictures off of memory cards today, and I found some that made me laugh. I think these were after Uncle Richard's funeral. The group shot is Dad on the left and Lindsey laying on Uncle Randy. It looks like Syd Bundy isn't the only one in the family who knows how to relax!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Syd Bundy
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I was in Chicago for training last week. We stayed about 25 miles from the city and the training was also out of town as well. I flew out Monday, had training Tuesday through Thursday and was scheduled to come home on Friday. The original plan was to have training on Friday as well, but we put in a killer 12 hour day on Thursday and finished up training so we would have Friday to do something downtown.
We drove into Chicago and paid $16 to park and walked down the Navy Pier and walked back. We didn't even buy a hotdog. We did drive by the fountain that is in the opening credits of Married with Children. As soon as I saw it that music was stuck in my head.
Next we went to the Sears Tower. We paid $19 to park there and $16 to go up the elevator to the top. It was worth it though. That is an impressively tall building. When you are outside you look at it and think, "yeah, that is tall and is taller than the other buildings" but you really appreciate it when you go up and are looking down at the other buildings around. I was looking down at one building and there were some people on the roof. The people looked tiny, then I looked down to the ground and those people were teeny tiny! It really was quite a sight. I also saw the new Trump Tower that was being built. The winner from the first season of The Apprentice chose that project as his prize, so it was neat to see.
My next two training trips coming up are in Powell, Tennessee. I've never been there, and it could be cool, but I think I would rather go back to Chicago to see more since we didn't have much time at all to do fun things.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Handy Maddy
Friday, June 13, 2008
lia sophia conference
So, here I am in my hotel room in Milwaukee (sp?), Wisconsin. I have been very busy at the lia sophia conference, attending trainings/workshops, checking out vendor booths, getting inspiration and "butterfly stories" from other lia sophia advisors, and watching my region kick some serious butt! It is difficult being away from home, and I miss my family like crazy. Yesterday, a woman on my team asked me what I came to conference for. I was a little confused, as I assume we all came for the same reason, to learn and grow. I asked her to be more specific, and she said, "Well, you must have some specific goal or idea to come here, leaving such a tiny baby at home." She is right. I explained that I hope to use lia sophia to change my family's life. I want it to provide for my family, and to help other women the way it has, and continues to help me. I want to reach goals like I see my upline managers achieve. I don't care what my title is in the company, as long as I can make our dreams come true. At our awards ceremony on Wednesday night, I realized just what a special group of women I am lucky to have to help me. Several women from our teams were recognized for personal and group accomplishments. They were so gracious accepting their many awards. I know good things are happening to them for a reason, and I hope to be an inspiration just like them.
I am so thankful for everyone that continues to support me, especially Darin. He is a great man, and I am proud to call him my husband. Thank you for all you do, and for giving me two beautiful kids!
I am writing this now, to be a reminder of this time, of the drive I feel, and of the amazing opportunity I have at my feet. This will serve as motivation, and make me accountable for the success of my business! Cross your fingers for me and look up, cause I'm reaching for the sky!!!
I am so thankful for everyone that continues to support me, especially Darin. He is a great man, and I am proud to call him my husband. Thank you for all you do, and for giving me two beautiful kids!
I am writing this now, to be a reminder of this time, of the drive I feel, and of the amazing opportunity I have at my feet. This will serve as motivation, and make me accountable for the success of my business! Cross your fingers for me and look up, cause I'm reaching for the sky!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Incredible TEST!
So, I've been playing with Picasa lately on my work laptop. I think I am starting to like it. I haven't loaded it on my desktop yet, which is the true sign of adoption for me. Anyway, I noticed it has a feature built in to blog things straight from Picasa, so I thought I would try it out. I didn't have any new pics of Ashton or anything, which is why I have this image of the HULK. I thought that since the movie is coming out soon it was appropriate enough. Edward Norton and Tim Roth are in the new Hulk movie, I really like both of them. Besides, it has to be better than the first one.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I've been sick this week
So I was home Monday, tried to go to work Tuesday and realized I shouldn't have and came back. At some point during the day yesterday Rikki, Sydney and I were sitting at the computers with Syd on my lap. She wanted to see pictures of Ashton so I opened them up.
You know how you can cycle through the pictures with the image viewer using the arrow keys? Well, I was cycling through these pictures of Ash where I took a bunch of pictures one after another so when we went through them it looked like he was moving his arms and changing expressions. Add some music with a beat from the daddy beatbox and we had a dancing Ashton. Sydney loved it! She was cracking up so hard over it. It had us all laughing. It was a really fun moment, however breif it was.
You know how you can cycle through the pictures with the image viewer using the arrow keys? Well, I was cycling through these pictures of Ash where I took a bunch of pictures one after another so when we went through them it looked like he was moving his arms and changing expressions. Add some music with a beat from the daddy beatbox and we had a dancing Ashton. Sydney loved it! She was cracking up so hard over it. It had us all laughing. It was a really fun moment, however breif it was.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Aquarium
The aquarium is still fundraising so they don't have their permanent building yet, but I was impressed with the exhibits they did have on display. We got to pet some stingrays (I won't mention who in the group chickened out on that), and the kids really liked the jellyfish and sharks.
Friday, May 23, 2008
What's in a Name?
(9:40:02 AM) Jake: http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=3365164
(9:40:16 AM) Jake: Turns out 'Ash' is not such an odd name after all
(9:48:13 AM) Darin: i just hope he doesn't have 3 Ash's in his class
(9:48:24 AM) Jake: you know, that's not impossible
(9:48:41 AM) Jake: but eh, it's a good name - he'll be 'Ash B'
(9:49:06 AM) Darin: or Ashtrick
(9:49:18 AM) Darin: but we'll call him * for short
(9:49:35 AM) Jake: lol
(9:49:56 AM) Jake: Hi, I'm *, and this is my uncle @~
(9:50:02 AM) Darin: hehehe
(9:40:16 AM) Jake: Turns out 'Ash' is not such an odd name after all
(9:48:13 AM) Darin: i just hope he doesn't have 3 Ash's in his class
(9:48:24 AM) Jake: you know, that's not impossible
(9:48:41 AM) Jake: but eh, it's a good name - he'll be 'Ash B'
(9:49:06 AM) Darin: or Ashtrick
(9:49:18 AM) Darin: but we'll call him * for short
(9:49:35 AM) Jake: lol
(9:49:56 AM) Jake: Hi, I'm *, and this is my uncle @~
(9:50:02 AM) Darin: hehehe
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Yard Work
We spent some time in the yard yesterday and this is the end result.

Rikki wanted to get a bird bath and it was going to be her Mother's Day present but we couldn't find one she liked. We'll keep looking but in the meantime I hope this keeps the weeds down in that corner. We also got an umbrella for the back patio. The base for it isn't very big or heavy and makes me nervous to have kids under it but so far it has stayed up. Too bad we didn't have it all done for Ashton's blessing so people could see it. The two bushes were transplanted from the long flower bed. I did one bush two years ago and Rikki's mom helped move the other one during her visit. We appreciate her help and wanted to let her know we actually did finish working on it and didn't just let weeds grow back again.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
As Promised...
Here is a picure we took after Ashton's bath tonight when Rikki was getting him to smile.

Ashton Pix
I'm going to have to do the vacation story in stages, so part 1 is some pictures of Ashton. I didn't take a ton the day of the blessing because I saw enough cameras going off, so if any of you have some great ones to share, please post them! I'd forgotten how tiny babies are, and how floppy! He sure is cute though! While I haven't yet had the pleasure of getting peed on, I did get spit up on my first night at Darin's. I didn't mind so much though--it's the risk you take when you agree to feed him, and it's totally worth it! These pictures were taken at the Aquarium--don't worry, I have plenty more from there which I will save for another post!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Laughing Stock
I'll tell you more about my visit later when I can post some pictures and video, but Darin and David and I had a GREAT time at the Off Broadway Theatre tonight! I think most of you have been there before with me at one time or another, but aside from seeing my nieces and nephews, it is hands down my favorite thing to do in Utah. Darin got us great seats, and some of the really experienced and consistently funny players were performing. Alisen once told me that Duane has a "Simpsons laugh" which is the hoot that she only hears when he finds something REALLY funny, usually when he's watching the Simpsons. I heard Darin and David's equivalent of the Simpsons laugh multiple times tonight, and I was so glad we got to go together! It certainly wasn't the same as sneaking into a "double feature" as far as tradition goes, but I hope we can all go again next time I'm in town!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Ashton Smiled
This wasn't his first smile, but this morning I was feeding Ashton and he spitup. Spitup doesn't really do it justice though. He totally puked up so much. He had it all over his face and me. And apparently he thought that was pretty funny because he just smiled and grinned at me. I didn't think it was too funny at 5:30 am but he was being really cute. And I will take that over crying anytime.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Hello from Darin, Rikki, Sydney and Ashton
Just wanted to say Hi to everyone and be an example on the new blog. We were very glad to have everyone come for Ashton's blessing last Sunday. And sorry we missed those who couldn't come. Everything went well and we had a good time.

Rikki, Syd and Ashton went to the Aquarium with LeeAnn, Jamie and her kids yesterday. I was at work and couldn't go. We tried to go visit them that evening but things just didn't work out and we stayed home.
Rikki is getting ready for a big boutique in the morning where she will be selling lia sophia jewelery and selling the remainder of her Finder's Key Purse inventory. We hope it goes well for her and for me as I'll be stay at home dad for the day with both kids.
Here are a couple pictures to appease the grandparents.

The First Real Post
I think I'm done testing and ready to really unveil the blog. I'm on the phone now with Mom trying to help her get to the site and teach her how to post herself.
The idea for this blog is to have a central location for the family to post and update everyone with what is going on in their lives. I know we all are busy and some of us have our own blogs we post to, but maybe we can just drop in here and post some quick things from time to time. Then Mom and Dad, Grandma, Lois, Paul and Dory, etc. can have one place to go to and see what everyone is up to.
I'll get invites sent out to anyone that is interested in adding their own posts.
The idea for this blog is to have a central location for the family to post and update everyone with what is going on in their lives. I know we all are busy and some of us have our own blogs we post to, but maybe we can just drop in here and post some quick things from time to time. Then Mom and Dad, Grandma, Lois, Paul and Dory, etc. can have one place to go to and see what everyone is up to.
I'll get invites sent out to anyone that is interested in adding their own posts.
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